Olive Map of Turkey

Turkey’s position regarding olive in the world

In the world, in approx. 40 countries displaying climate features of Mediterranean region, 17.792.831 tonnes of olive dane are produced on an hectar area of totally 7.664.209. Olive is processed because it is impossible to consume it in rape condition. Therefore, dane olive quantity of producer countries varies as olive oil and table olives.

So, approx. 65% of olive dane produced is used for oil production and remaining portion for table olive after processing (FAO 209). EU countries, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and France are important olive producing countries that met 60% of dane olive production, 40% of table olive production, 80% of olive oil production (Graph 1).

Olive cultivation in Turkey

9% of the fields where olive growing business was made, 8% of dane olive growing regions in the world belongs to Turkey. Dane olive production in Turkey covers 31,8 of total production of olive and other hard peel fruits. Olive fields in the Republic of Turkey increased by 21% after year 2000 on account of support for garden facility accompanied by certificated saplings that were provided by the government and olive growing fields have reached in 34% of total processing agricultural fields. (Graph 2).

In a 753 thousand hectar area in Turkey, 106.139 thousand pcs. of olive tree from existing 151.630 thousand pcs. of olive trees are in an age able to yield fruit (70%) and remaining part of 45.491 thousand pcs. (30%) in an age not yielding a fruit. Olive cultivation is performed in the Eagean Region and it is followed by Marmara, Mediterranean region, Southwest and Blacksea Regions, respectively. 68% of dane olive produced in Turkey are seperated for oil production and 32% thereof to table consumption. 

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